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Northrim Bank launched the Alaskanomics blog to provide news, analysis and commentary on Alaska’s economy. With contributions from economists, business leaders, policy makers and everyday Alaskans, Alaskanomics aims to engage readers in an ongoing conversation about our economy, now and in the future.

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Thursday, June 07, 2012


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J Hemsath

What kind of incentive are you thinking? While I am all in favor of simplifing the tax structure and would support a cap on progessivity or even a flat tax, I always wonder if the reason that North Dakota and Texas are on the increase is that technology (in some cases developed in Alaska)have simply made it cheaper to explore in those regions where there are roads and access to materials and the need not to have folks in a camp. BTW ND has both a Sales tax and an income tax, so when jobs increase so do revenues to the State, which in part compensates for any perceived incentive. You could almost say that the employees are paying an incentive to the production companies for their jobs.

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