The most recent State Department of Labor estimate for Alaska's population is 722,190. That is a 1.1% increase in 2011 resulting from an additional 8,044 people. Nearly all of the growth is due to natural increase. There were 11,658 births reported and 3,728 deaths. The net migration of people moving in and out of the state was a change of only 114 people.
The Municipality of Anchorage population is estimated to be 296,197. This is an addition of 2,987 people over last year, or a 1% change. This is all due to natural growth, as there was a net out-migration of 355 people reported. Anchorage has added approximately 36,000 people since the year 2000.
The Mat-Su Borough population increased by nearly the same amount as Anchorage over the last 11 years by adding over 32,000 people. The Mat-Su population has been growing at roughly 4% a year for the last decade to an estimated 91,697 people. The Mat-Su will likely pass Fairbanks as the second most populous region of the state if these growth rates continue over the next decade.
The interior region is home to an estimated 112,170 people with about 98,000 residing in the Fairbanks North Star Borough. Fairbanks is estimated to have lost 381 people in 2011. The natural increase of birth minus deaths added 1,351 people, but was offset by a negative out-migration of 1,732 people.