Alaska's Department of Revenue, in the Fall 2011 Revenue Sources Book, forecasts a 4.7% decline in total North Slope oil production in FY2012, to 574,000 barrels per day (bpd). This forecast depends on 26,000 barrels per day in "under development" production. "Under development" production forecasts are based on new projects that are currently funded by North Slope operators or are expected to get funding in the very near future. The state forecast only includes production from fields that have already been discovered.
Production from currently producing fields is expected to decline 9.1% next year, and by 2021, the state expects production from currently producing fields to be just 241,000 bpd - a third of this year's production. Nearly half of the state's total North Slope production forecast for 2021 must come from projects "requiring significant new investment," according to the state.